How much hot weather can a person tolerate? First of all, we must understand that The average human body temperature is approximately 37 degrees Celsius, which when we are sick with a fever. The body temperature will increase to 38-39 degrees Celsius, but if it is higher than this, from 40 degrees Celsius or more, the condition “Hyperthermia” or the body is too hot will occur.

This overheating condition can cause a rapid pulse, fainting, and coma, and can lead to kidney and heart problems. Or even brain damage. Simply put, if our body is too hot. Various work systems and organs will begin to be disrupted in their functioning. Which the human body can heat to that level The important factor is “Outside temperature” and “Air humidity”
When we hear the weather forecast reports that Tomorrow the weather will have a high temperature of 40 degrees Celsius. That doesn’t mean It will cause our body to heat up to 40 degrees Celsius as well. Because of the natural mechanism When the inside of our body heats up, it will sweat to cool the body.
Therefore, we sweat a lot when exposed to hot weather. which we often complain about being sticky and not liking In fact, it is a mechanism that keeps our body from getting too hot. But at the same time Cooling through the knot also causes the body to lose a lot of water. This is the origin of the teaching that you should consume a lot of water in hot weather.
How can we survive this hot weather? Let’s see the (not) secret tips that UFABET!
Carry drinking water with you: During this time, your bag may need to be a bit large. Because it has to hold many items to reduce heat. But none is as bad as this one: drinking water. A body that loses a lot of sweat is easily dehydrated. The exhaustion, heat, and thirst made many people sick, faint, and unconscious. And there is also a risk of dehydration. Especially those who have to stay outdoors for a long time. So leave room in your bag for a travel-sized bottle of water. (Other drinks are fine, but water is the best.)
Cool cloth + handheld fan: Whenever outside the house Must do activities outside the building for a long time, having a cool cloth or wet wipes Wipe it all over your face and neck before turning on the hand fan on your face. This will keep you cool for several minutes.
Choose to wear light clothing. The fabric wicks heat well: Just thin fabric isn’t enough, because thin fabric doesn’t mean it can dissipate heat well. You should choose clothes made from linen, cotton, wave-patterned cotton (Sersucker), chambray, or summer denim, where the blue-gray color of this type of fabric is often chosen to make shirts instead of jeans. Thick, etc. In addition, you should avoid tight-fitting clothes. And turn to wearing light, baggy styles such as oversized shirts and large, wide-legged pants. Avoid wearing many layers of overlapping clothes. and choose a light color More than dark colors, especially black, because they will absorb more heat. Makes us feel even hotter.